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Quote of the Month

Quote of the Month
March 2024

Spring is in the Air!

Winter was intense, but it's finally lifting. I can feel spring in the air! Longer days, sunny weather, blue sky-- and I can finally work outside again! Also believe it or not, but it's actually HOT out here! So long sweaters and jeans. Hello tee's and capris!

Spring is also a time for new things to come and getting rid of any unwanted and dead growth. On that note, I am pledging this spring to write something EVERY DAY for at least an hour. Whether it's to work on any of my three novels, or write on social media, or maybe even journal write by hand. I'm also really going to start upping my game in the terms of publication and really try to get my new book done. So let's see how it goes!

Are you with me?!