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Quote of the Month

Quote of the Month
March 2024

Another Post?!

I have been dreading posting stuff recently, and I just can't figure out why. Maybe because I'm in the balance between Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram...and this? Or because I'm dealing with so much (being a socail butterfly, being a student, being a writer and a blogger and a twitterer and an instagrammer and a mother to 2 fur babies and- no, I'll stop there).There should be an easier way to connect with my readers outside of my blog. Or perhaps I should stick to using my blog? Granted I don't want to overload it with useless pictures of food, my fur babies, and random life things from random life moments. Any suggestions, ya'll?

On another note, I just started chapter four of my book, though I won't lie: It's coming roughly along. Sometimes writing certain scenes is just meant to be filler. But then I ask myself: What's the point of filler crap? After all, if it's boring ME, it's certainly going to bore you, dear readers. Though I believe this chapter is about to serve a purpose.... Guess I'll find out when I'm done and get to post it on my Changing Kathryn blog site. And SPEAKING of...! Check out Ch.2 coming soon to the teaser chapters blog! Can't wait to hear what ya'll got to say, good or bad :D

-Kay R.

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