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Quote of the Month

Quote of the Month
March 2024

Updates Coming & A New Blog Happened

I haven't been able to get to finishing—or even starting—on the updates because #HealthProbs, and I am really sorry for it. I have neglected both my readers and my blog. However I will be getting to it, I swear. I'll be on a flight to Colorado this Thursday and I will be able to start dedicating my time to it then.

Currently I am using my phone to post this, so, there's that. Blogger via my phone doesn't allow me to change layouts, or add QOTMs, etc. However I can create new posts so there's that.

If you want to stay caught up to date on when those changes will be made, or get an insider's look at what's going on with my health, you can visit me at my new blog: Springing into Action

1 comment:

  1. update:
    "Springing into Action" is no longer in 'play' so to speak; redirect here to see the updated/revamped blog as it is now: https://livingautodiseases.blogspot.com/
