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Quote of the Month

Quote of the Month
March 2024

Quick Check-In

I did not realize how much time has passed since my last post. Then again, there hasn't been that much change regarding the current events in my writing life. I'm still on the search for an editor for Shattered Lives, I've been slowly making my way through my new sci-fi book, and I keep meaning to get back to editing Shattered Lives on my own in hopes to cut it down some more (and hopefully make hiring a professional editor more affordable too), but health keeps getting in the way. Which is pretty much a given as this seems to be a regularly occurring theme throughout my life. Then again, that's what happens when you have an auto-immune disease. Sometimes you can push through and be productive and proactive, other times you just have to sleep all the time, or get brain fog and can't do anything no matter how great you might otherwise feel.

Anyhow, I'm hoping to start feeling better again enough to start getting back to studying for my course I've been working through and to also keep writing this new book and keep trucking away with S.L., but I guess it'll happen when it happens. And so concludes my quick check-in.

I hope everyone had a good winter break and some very fun-filled holidays this winter season!

-Sabrina S.K. Regan

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