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Quote of the Month

Quote of the Month
March 2024

Tuning Out Criticisms

Currently I'm in Eugene visiting my parents and I went to a face-to-face writer's meet up this morning where I've figured out why I've been having so much trouble finishing my book.

I've got it exactly where I've wanted it to go, despite minor errors and slight new additions and things that should be deleted. So I've been struggling with why the heck I can't finish my book. The meetup helped me break it down:

I'm currently an editor (in training) so I'm looking at everything through my writer's eye, but also through the eye of an editor. In order to accomplish anything (in my book), however, I have to just get my writer's voice out and going, then once that's out the critic has to come out and the writer's voice has to be silent.

In other words only one voice at a time should ever be speaking.

This is going to help me tremendously!

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