No, this isn't something inappropriate I'm about to write about. It's my new side blog!
Here I'll
add posts when my usual site isn't working as it's host server is
often down and thus I can't post anything, and this generally happens A LOT,
and it is very VERY frustrating. Especially as I love posting, and I also don't want to
lose any readers/viewers. Generally these down-periods are short lived, never
more than a day or two, but it's been a month since my last post, possibly
longer, and I've gotten fed up to the point where I realized I needed a new
place to write just in case. This will be that place.
Because this particular blog is just starting to see some use there are several changes I feel need to be
made, though I think the background is rather fitting. Even so, this side blog may go through many different stages before I feel it
has been perfected, so what you see now may look different even five minutes
from now. But I'm certainly excited to put these new changes into action once
I'm done writing this, as I wanted to get this first post of the
"new" site up before I did anything.
I happen to post almost everyday, and sometimes even three or four times a day, but because this is only what I will call a 'side blog', a supplement to what I will refer to as my 'home blog', it should be noted that if you are checking back regularly and suddenly notice there doesn't seem to be any new posts, go check out my actual blog. Granted I will try and remember to post a notice that my home blog is up and running again, but it is very possible I will forget.
Now for people who are just now finding this blog and have never heard about my home blog, welcome and let me introduce myself: I only go by my pen name Sabrina K.R. for security reasons, and I'm a long-time author, but I've never been published hence the title "The Secret Writer", even though it's no secret that I love to write. Ask anyone and they'll tell you the same thing: That I've been writing for as long as anyone has known me. I actually started at the age of 4, before I could even form letters or numbers and could only use squiggles and scribbles to get my ideas from pen to paper. 18 years later and now I have books that I'm the process of publishing, and thus I started a blog to get my name out there so that when people see my name they can associate me as being an actual someone rather than just a name on a book cover. If you want to know more, I will be adding an "About Me" page because even though this may be a side blog, I still want it to be as successful as my other one, which was getting fairly good ratings. That is, until I started losing people due to the site crashes.
I have used my home blog to share helpful advice, tips, rules, along with outlines I've created for books, class work, and more. This side blog will be no different. And if there's anything on here you want to see or that you have questions about, or you just want to talk about how much you love writing, email me at, and yes I check this email regularly.
I think I'll leave it there. But please, if you like this post, even though it's only the first post and there's not much to it, stick with me if you will, as I continue on my journey to become published and please share my blog if you like it. I will be forever in your debt!
Kay R.
Sabrina S.K. Regan
---UPDATE: 5/18/2019---
The information on this page/post has been updated to reflect personal life changes that I've recently made involving updating my name: Dylan/penname Dylan K. Regan. This includes the link to my original blog site ( and original email address ( neither of which are active any longer. Thank you for your understanding 😊
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