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Quote of the Month

Quote of the Month
March 2024

Finally! A New Post & A New Quote

I have been "off my game" so to speak from a three month-long medication dosage that caused horrible apathy and depression, until rather recently when it at last wore off. As a result I have finally added a new quote of the month (December's missing 'piece' will be available under the usual quote spot). In addition I feel I should apologize for making this month's quote so atrociously huge. I have no way of shrinking this unless I completely want to do it over as I create these looks myself, and I don't have any interest. Hopefully you all can deal with the abrasive largeness of this month's quote. Honestly, it has already started to grow on me...almost.

With that said: I don't have any helpful tips for ya'll just yet considering I'm finally now getting back in the swing of things. Hopefully I haven't lost any of you readers in this very long process, or will lose any of you while I work on getting other 'blog stuff' up and running again. For those of you sticking around I thank you deeply and sincerely for your patience.

Now it's personal update time:
I'm going to start a bullet/2018 goals journal that will (hopefully) help me stay on track regarding my 2018 birthday/shared New Year's resolutions. I also got THE perfect traveler's mug (becuase I surprisingly don't have one!)

It's a combo of all my favorite things! Photography, editing, and spring (very floral). I'm super happy with it, even if it's not exactly centered directly towards writing. But I'm not going to look at it like that. Want your own #EditingDay gear? Follow the #'s for the Amazon links below ! And yes, some of it actually IS geared SPECIFICALLY towards writing and not just for photography buffs. Since I happen to be both.... But like I said, find your own style today!


I don't have much more to say. And I have to begin brainstorming for a short story I have to write by Wednesday for my workshop/writing class...and read the material for that day too...yeah, I need to get on that, so I'm signing off.

P.s.: It feels really, REALLY great to write on my blog again! 💖💻

(And on my new laptop too, lol).
Bye, now!

because I suck at being productive, here's some strictly writing gear from Amazon.com! Click the hashtags below-


NOW I'm ACTUALLY signing off. But only because now I have to sleep 🤣

please note: I am not responsible for anything else that is/may be shown on any of the above sites that could be taken offensively. There are some mugs that contain swearing, and some are just crude (i.e. showing the middle finger). Needless to say, please take caution while browsing these sites/Amazon.com; they don't always cater towards everyone. 

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