I did not realize how much time has passed since my last post. Then again, there hasn't been that much change regarding the current events in my writing life. I'm still on the search for an editor for Shattered Lives, I've been slowly making my way through my new sci-fi book, and I keep meaning to get back to editing Shattered Lives on my own in hopes to cut it down some more (and hopefully make hiring a professional editor more affordable too), but health keeps getting in the way. Which is pretty much a given as this seems to be a regularly occurring theme throughout my life. Then again, that's what happens when you have an auto-immune disease. Sometimes you can push through and be productive and proactive, other times you just have to sleep all the time, or get brain fog and can't do anything no matter how great you might otherwise feel.
Anyhow, I'm hoping to start feeling better again enough to start getting back to studying for my course I've been working through and to also keep writing this new book and keep trucking away with S.L., but I guess it'll happen when it happens. And so concludes my quick check-in.
I hope everyone had a good winter break and some very fun-filled holidays this winter season!
-Sabrina S.K. Regan
Quote of the Month
March 2024
Found An Awesome New Generator!
I am an avid fan of generators, whether for naming characters, cities, worlds, or even [fictional] drugs. The latter, however, is much harder to come across as I've discovered. At least in my experience. So for those of you trying to find a name for that drug to cure that fictional disease you've created, here's one of the greatest fake-drug generators I've come across.
(please note I do not own any rights to the link below)
The Wordlab Drug-O-Matic Name Generator
I will keep this link here, but eventually I will also add it to the fav. links list located at the bottom of this blog.
Happy writing and happy generating 🙌
(please note I do not own any rights to the link below)
The Wordlab Drug-O-Matic Name Generator
I will keep this link here, but eventually I will also add it to the fav. links list located at the bottom of this blog.
Happy writing and happy generating 🙌
"Entwined Fates" Update
Looking back at my There's Faith Again post, I saw something that made me chuckle--I wrote originally that I only had 10 chapters to go. Well let me just say, that was back before I did some serious re-writing, and by that I mean I almost completely turned the book on its head. I kept true to some of the stuff I had already written, but the majority of what was there originally has become absolutely unusable now. But I'm okay with that, because what I'm working with now--and what I've been working with since then--has been so much easier to write, and the ideas are flowing better, and the content is even be better too. Though I can't truly speak to that last part as I am entirely biased.
That's not to say I don't still have my doubts here and there, but I'm shoving those aside to just focus on getting the writing done by thinking about the positive aspects that have come with this novel's revamp.
Anyhow, just wanted to let ya'll know that I am not anywhere near done with the series' first book. And what was originally the first book--and is now going to be the second--now has to be majorly edited due to errors in the plot created by this first book, but fortunately those will be pretty easy to sort out. So at least I have a mostly-written second book that I get to work on once I'm done with book one 👍💗🖋
That's not to say I don't still have my doubts here and there, but I'm shoving those aside to just focus on getting the writing done by thinking about the positive aspects that have come with this novel's revamp.
Anyhow, just wanted to let ya'll know that I am not anywhere near done with the series' first book. And what was originally the first book--and is now going to be the second--now has to be majorly edited due to errors in the plot created by this first book, but fortunately those will be pretty easy to sort out. So at least I have a mostly-written second book that I get to work on once I'm done with book one 👍💗🖋
Happy Almost-End of October 🎃
I've been on a writing hiatus for too long now, and not just from my blog but from all writing.
Before I get to that, however, I should explain my lack of absence from my blog. Following my last post back in August, I got on a serious writing kick and was so heavily involved with my Entwined Fates series I barely came up for air. And by barely I mean I don't think I did anything at all from August through September. Even for my dad's birthday which came just a few days after that last post, we were at a winery during which I got a slew of ideas and began writing on my phone. Then October hit.
I wasn't sleeping more than an hour or two at most for almost the entire first half of the month, and then I was sleeping all the time. Finally starting yesterday I had sudden energy. I wasn't just able to do my physical therapy to nearly-full strength, but I was also able to go home and clean for two-and-a-half hours. Which was crazy considering up until then I wasn't even barely able to get up long enough to just feed myself food from a frigging microwave. Then last night I didn't sleep much at all and had to spend most of the afternoon recovering (and by recovering I mean sleeping), but when I woke up (embarrassingly at 1:40ish p.m.) I felt refreshed and recharged. A feeling that's not only rare for me to come by, but also not something I haven't felt since the beginning of the month. Now I'm working on my book again, it's going great, and I'm writing on my blog all from a local Starbucks. Granted I'm keeping close to home just in case, I'm in true walking distance from my house where I'm at (though I'm driving considering I doubt my body would handle up well walking in a true-fatigued state. That's never worked out well for me, and I've tried).
Anyhow, that's been my journey as of late. I'm just hoping one of these days I'll be able to write about something other than my health again, though I think it's an incredibly important part of my life to document so that other writers who have health issues might relate and know they aren't alone. It's a struggle we all share, even if that struggle manifests in different ways.
On that note:
In case I don't write again for awhile, have a happy Halloween/Samhain!
Before I get to that, however, I should explain my lack of absence from my blog. Following my last post back in August, I got on a serious writing kick and was so heavily involved with my Entwined Fates series I barely came up for air. And by barely I mean I don't think I did anything at all from August through September. Even for my dad's birthday which came just a few days after that last post, we were at a winery during which I got a slew of ideas and began writing on my phone. Then October hit.
I wasn't sleeping more than an hour or two at most for almost the entire first half of the month, and then I was sleeping all the time. Finally starting yesterday I had sudden energy. I wasn't just able to do my physical therapy to nearly-full strength, but I was also able to go home and clean for two-and-a-half hours. Which was crazy considering up until then I wasn't even barely able to get up long enough to just feed myself food from a frigging microwave. Then last night I didn't sleep much at all and had to spend most of the afternoon recovering (and by recovering I mean sleeping), but when I woke up (embarrassingly at 1:40ish p.m.) I felt refreshed and recharged. A feeling that's not only rare for me to come by, but also not something I haven't felt since the beginning of the month. Now I'm working on my book again, it's going great, and I'm writing on my blog all from a local Starbucks. Granted I'm keeping close to home just in case, I'm in true walking distance from my house where I'm at (though I'm driving considering I doubt my body would handle up well walking in a true-fatigued state. That's never worked out well for me, and I've tried).
Anyhow, that's been my journey as of late. I'm just hoping one of these days I'll be able to write about something other than my health again, though I think it's an incredibly important part of my life to document so that other writers who have health issues might relate and know they aren't alone. It's a struggle we all share, even if that struggle manifests in different ways.
On that note:
In case I don't write again for awhile, have a happy Halloween/Samhain!
There's Faith Again!
After a solid amount of pity amidst depressing thoughts of inadequacy--typical feelings experienced by almost all writers, by the way. Are you even a true writer if you don't feel this way at some point in your writing career? (a cynical writer's joke, by the way)--I've since gotten back on my feet, and I'm working my novel again. And it's going surprisingly well, I should say. I'm actually really, really happy with how it's all working out. Needless to say I finally have faith in my writing again, and not just in my writing, but in my book. I truly think I'm getting close to finishing it. In fact, if my calculations are correct, I only have ten-plus more chapters to go and I'll be done with round one! #SoExciting
That about sums up how I'm feeling about a lot of things in regards to my writing right now. Finding an editor, figuring out how to proceed in my Entwined Fates series, continuing my sequel to Shattered Lives.... I just don't know how to proceed with anything right now and it's absolutely depressing. That seems like an exaggeration I'm sure, but I have a goal to get this series half way done by August and here I am debating if I should even write it at all. See? Depressing. I've devoted years of my life to this book, rewriting it over and over, and right when I think I'm finally in a grove...BAM! It's no longer working out, my goal and my vision fade in tandem, and then I'm once again left with nothing wondering if there's any possible way to salvage it.
Perhaps I am taking on too much with this series. Perhaps it merely needs to be written as an entire book first, then broken up into different books? (To keep it as one book would tun it into over a 1,000 pages, and obviously that can't be an option!)
Well, that's my pity rant for the day. I think I'll start trying to write the single book and work my way forward from there.
Perhaps I am taking on too much with this series. Perhaps it merely needs to be written as an entire book first, then broken up into different books? (To keep it as one book would tun it into over a 1,000 pages, and obviously that can't be an option!)
Well, that's my pity rant for the day. I think I'll start trying to write the single book and work my way forward from there.
Yikes! It's Been Awhile....
Well, yes, the title of this post has been rather aptly named. How is it I managed to get so utterly distracted by life I quite literally completely forgot about this blog? The blog that's been my heart and soul for the last four years? Oh if only I had a good explanation. But I'm afraid it's as dull as "I've had trouble focusing and haven't been able to write until today". And then when I was browsing ideas, came across my own blog.... I repeat: Yikes.
To make matters worse I'm afraid I can't stay and write like I so utterly want now that I'm finally able to write again. Because I have a 130-question real estate licencing exam I'm supposed to be studying for...and haven't been....
So I'm going to attempt to get on that and focus, because focusing has been my ultimate enemy this last month. So on that note, wish me luck!
To make matters worse I'm afraid I can't stay and write like I so utterly want now that I'm finally able to write again. Because I have a 130-question real estate licencing exam I'm supposed to be studying for...and haven't been....
So I'm going to attempt to get on that and focus, because focusing has been my ultimate enemy this last month. So on that note, wish me luck!
Blocked? Try Cleaning!
I can't believe I haven't touched on this yet! Of all the methods I have written about, the one thing I haven't mentioned yet as a potential treatment (or perhaps even a cure-all if you're lucky!) for writer's block is to clean. Cleaning anything, whether it's your closest or your entire house, can be extremely therapeutic. As many studies show, a decluttered and well-organized space reflects a decluttered and well-organized mind, putting you in the path towards clarity lifting your spirits and even awakening that muse who has been kept silence for so long. Why do you think there are so many books about cleaning and organizing your home? Your surroundings [often] have a direct impact on you and your well-being, and often reflect what's happening inside you.
Someone with depression may not have the ability or motivation to clean. Or even put stuff away. Everything they use accumulates around them, piling up and up until it becomes too much. If this same person has a muse, that muse, already squandered and drowning as a result of this depression, is now suffocated through the anxiety the mess outside of her home, that is her "host". But to take one step and start actively tackling the cleaning process can lift the spirits, especially as the end result-a clean space--starts shining through. And when that space finally has been cleared, you've accomplished something. You feel satisfied. Like that you may find your inner muse reawakening, and you might even be able to write out that chapter you've been struggling with. Heck, you might even be able to finish your book! Or maybe not. But it's worth a try, is it not?
Want to listen to some inspirational music to help? Try "Never Give Up on Your Dreams (instrumental)" by Two Steps From Hell, or Hans Zimmer's "Run Free".
Someone with depression may not have the ability or motivation to clean. Or even put stuff away. Everything they use accumulates around them, piling up and up until it becomes too much. If this same person has a muse, that muse, already squandered and drowning as a result of this depression, is now suffocated through the anxiety the mess outside of her home, that is her "host". But to take one step and start actively tackling the cleaning process can lift the spirits, especially as the end result-a clean space--starts shining through. And when that space finally has been cleared, you've accomplished something. You feel satisfied. Like that you may find your inner muse reawakening, and you might even be able to write out that chapter you've been struggling with. Heck, you might even be able to finish your book! Or maybe not. But it's worth a try, is it not?
Want to listen to some inspirational music to help? Try "Never Give Up on Your Dreams (instrumental)" by Two Steps From Hell, or Hans Zimmer's "Run Free".
Unable To Write
Pumped full of antihistamines I am barely able to write. But at least I can spend time outside. Being trapped in a house in the grass seed capital of the world (thanks, Eugene!) and being severely allergic to grass.... Yeah, it hasn't been a fun month. But it's too beautiful out and I haven't written in so long, I just can't go another day without air, without breathing life into my new book I am so dedicated to writing. But low and behold I now feel like I've hit a snag. Realizing I was pouring three books into one, I decided to try a writing exercise and break them up, saving the original of course just in case this exercise doesn't work out. Though my brain is half asleep and I don't know how to proceed. Half the time I'm second guessing myself, wondering if I'm using the correct form of "no" or "know" because right now they look the same to me. And the other half of the time I'm trying to reread what I've written desperate to make sense out of it because let's be real, words do not make sense right now.
This is known as the problematic "brain fog". And it's not fun. I feel zombified (I'm making that a word now, just in case it isn't). But I feel physically well other than that. Allergens are gone. I'm breathing air. I'm able to write this Then again, writing on my blog is one of the easiest things for me to do when it's just a recap of why I've been absent, admitting the painful truths behind the writing process, or writing about why I love being a writer.
With that having been said, I think amidst all this negativity I would like to focus on why I love being a writer. I love creating and crafting new worlds I can essentially teleport myself into, essentially making friends in my mind, in addition to enemies. It's a wild ride, not unlike acting, and I love that.
But what do I do when I'm unable to write? I let my imagination run, or I angrily slay dragons on my XBOX and say "take that, brain fog!"
It's the little things, right?
[Oh yes, and happy June!]
[Oh yes, and happy June!]
The Restless Writer
Finally having chosen to go off meds awhile back, I have been feeling much better, though I admit I also feel slightly stuck. The writer's streak I had going so strong and so steady has seemingly vanished. I'm also having a hard time figuring out how to get back into the swing of everything after having taken a break from my editing career. Getting back into a groove after being out of it for son long...I thought it would be easier than it is. But then I haven't exactly been taking my own advice; i's funny how easy it is to forget your own words of "wisdom" so-to-speak. It's time to re-read my
6 Simple Tips for Editors & Writers to Create an Organized and Productive Work Flow considering I didn't just write this as a fluff piece--this list has actually helped me in the past, hence the reason I compiled it together in an attempt to help others. Who knew I'd need it to help myself too?
In other news, I have had a fair number of people asking me what I'm going to do in regards to changing my name, something I've been bringing up on this blog a fair bit. I wasn't able to answer without much other than a simple "I don't know yet" but I am here to tell you I have finally made a decision and will be henceforth [illegitimately] changing my name to Dylan Sabrina but I think I prefer Sabrina or at the very least the penname Sabrina S.K. Regan because in my artistically-inclined ventures that have been feeding my soul...using "Sabrina" feels like maybe I should because as I see it, it's all part of my spiritual "food" for lack of a better word.
6 Simple Tips for Editors & Writers to Create an Organized and Productive Work Flow considering I didn't just write this as a fluff piece--this list has actually helped me in the past, hence the reason I compiled it together in an attempt to help others. Who knew I'd need it to help myself too?
In other news, I have had a fair number of people asking me what I'm going to do in regards to changing my name, something I've been bringing up on this blog a fair bit. I wasn't able to answer without much other than a simple "I don't know yet" but I am here to tell you I have finally made a decision and will be henceforth [illegitimately] changing my name to Dylan Sabrina but I think I prefer Sabrina or at the very least the penname Sabrina S.K. Regan because in my artistically-inclined ventures that have been feeding my soul...using "Sabrina" feels like maybe I should because as I see it, it's all part of my spiritual "food" for lack of a better word.
At this point, after talking to many people who have changed their names both in person and digitally, I will be changing only my pen-name for the time being, along with other aspects of my digital life, rather than legally changing my name due to some of the hassles associated with the process. Still, for other people to start calling me Sabrina...that would be amazing!
That said, for those of you who have known me for a long time, just go with your gut regarding what you'll call me 💖🌷
~Sabrina S.K. Regan
---UPDATED 6/5/24---
I am currently starting to move away from the name Sabrina and will be relying on Dylan. For those wondering why I'm making the switch away—Dylan Sabrina was my spiritually chosen name, with Dylan being chosen as it was "supposed to be" my legal name (back when my parents thought I'd be born a boy and then heteronormatively thought a girl couldn't be named Dylan) while Sabrina was chosen for strictly symbolic/spiritual reasons. As such, I would like to move away from using "Sabrina" in my day-to-day life and start only using for what it was supposed to be used for—my spiritual work and practices and move toward using the name "Dylan" in my casual, artistic, and all other general and legal aspects of my life.
~Dylan K. Regan
Happy 3rd Blogiversary!
For those who don't know me and/or are not familiar with me, I started this blog four years ago as an adventure blog of sorts. It was originally titled "The Secret Writer", it's main purpose dedicated to the documentation my journey through the writing craft until I became published; it was a place I could use to track my progress in both the writing craft and in life, and maybe help others who are struggling with any personal conflicts--whether related to "The Craft" or something within their own life--find peace with those struggles.
I really hoped this blog would bring people, writers, together to help one another, but while I certainly don't have the readers yet--minus a select few who have commented on my blog (thanks guys!)--to bring together that community, blogging has been an amazing experience for me. I get to see how far I've come, learning from not only past mistakes but from the things that have worked for me as well. It has also helped me succeed as both a writer and editor as I've written articles, published short stories, started a business, and it's helped me be open about my own health struggles. And as I hoped, I went from being "The Secret Writer" to an author, even if not in the form of a novelist (yet). Needless to say this isn't just a blog to me--it's a documentation of the last four years of my life. It's a story about failure, success, bravery, and overcoming obstacles no matter what their form or cause. And I'm still going. I'm on a path of self-creation and self-discovery, the cause of which has come from working on writing my new novel Edgewater (merely a title placeholder for now).
I'm also still searching for an editor for my Shattered Lives novel while simultaneously working on its sequel (which has been put on hold until I'm certain no plot changes need to be made to its successor). But while I still have a long journey ahead with the writing craft and its entirety, I love what I have accomplished through this blog and because of it 💗
Here's to many more blogging years to come!
~Kay R.
Thank You Readers!
I Did A Thing: A Potentially Temporary Change
Just trying something out for size here, I went ahead and changed my profile name (for this blog only)!
Why? I posted awhile ago about the potential of changing my name to Sabrina due to a variety of reasons, and after getting some rather positive feedback from friends and readers alike I've finally decided wanted to try it out for size--see how it felt in regards to implementing this change as my pen name and/or legal name on a large scale. I'm serious in making this change eventually, assuming I like the way it sticks. And right now, I LOVE it! I love the way it looks (especially next to my updated photo).
How? I wrote in my article The Intimidating Truth - What It Means To Be Both an Editor and a Writer about how "Blogger and most other blogging sites, you can attach multiple blogs to one email, the profile of which will be shared across each blog". But I don't want to change my business-associated name yet, not until I'm certain of implementing this new change. But I fortunately had a quick fix for this. See, awhile back I had to create a separate business email for my oaktree editing services after my email (the one attached to this blog, a.k.a. my blogging email) got spammed with junk mail. Wanting a clean new start, I created an email account ONLY for business dealings. Up until now, aside from listing it as my contact email, I haven't attached that email to my Oaktree Editing site considering I didn't want to muddy the waters as it is a pain for me to jump from site to site when there are different email address associated to different blogs (via Blogger). Any of you who have a Blogger account know what I'm talking about!
The problem: For anyone finding themselves in the same or similar boat, I should tell you this change does not come without it's problems. I do have to sign out of one account to sign into the other. However, while this may prove to be slightly inconvenient for me currently, I'm still happy with this change and I don't think I'll be reverting back anytime soon.
Why? I posted awhile ago about the potential of changing my name to Sabrina due to a variety of reasons, and after getting some rather positive feedback from friends and readers alike I've finally decided wanted to try it out for size--see how it felt in regards to implementing this change as my pen name and/or legal name on a large scale. I'm serious in making this change eventually, assuming I like the way it sticks. And right now, I LOVE it! I love the way it looks (especially next to my updated photo).
How? I wrote in my article The Intimidating Truth - What It Means To Be Both an Editor and a Writer about how "Blogger and most other blogging sites, you can attach multiple blogs to one email, the profile of which will be shared across each blog". But I don't want to change my business-associated name yet, not until I'm certain of implementing this new change. But I fortunately had a quick fix for this. See, awhile back I had to create a separate business email for my oaktree editing services after my email (the one attached to this blog, a.k.a. my blogging email) got spammed with junk mail. Wanting a clean new start, I created an email account ONLY for business dealings. Up until now, aside from listing it as my contact email, I haven't attached that email to my Oaktree Editing site considering I didn't want to muddy the waters as it is a pain for me to jump from site to site when there are different email address associated to different blogs (via Blogger). Any of you who have a Blogger account know what I'm talking about!
The problem: For anyone finding themselves in the same or similar boat, I should tell you this change does not come without it's problems. I do have to sign out of one account to sign into the other. However, while this may prove to be slightly inconvenient for me currently, I'm still happy with this change and I don't think I'll be reverting back anytime soon.
New Chapters Are The WORST!
Granted this isn't always true, but I often have the hardest time between ending one chapter and starting the next. Eventually I find my flow and soon I'm back in the creative zone, but getting started on that next step in a book is generally where I find myself feeling stuck. As I am experiencing now. I just finished writing one chapter in my Edgewater novel (the title of which is still a placeholder until I make my final decision) and now I'm not sure how to continue. The novel jumps around in time, and I just finished going back over a decade prior to the story's "main time" (the time in which the majority of the story takes place) and now I wonder if I should stay in the past and keep the story moving forward from there, or if I should move back to the present (a.k.a. "main time") and recenter the reader from there. However, if I do that I fear there is a lot more to be answered for than that which has already been explained, though maybe that's for the best considering the novel is about the main character "Brie" finding herself through the uncoordinated series of events amidst a web of secrets and mysteries.
Well it is certainly a dilemma, one I will have to sit with for now considering I am seriously hungry and want to get a quick bite. Maybe drink a little wine. Watch a show. Get my head out of this. I'm just glad for now that I have the brain capacity to write at all, considering my meds have still had me in a horrible tail spin after all this time, which gets worse with every dose (which will be tonight). But maybe I'll be able to get my head off my writing dilemma, freeing me up for my creative streak later.
Well it is certainly a dilemma, one I will have to sit with for now considering I am seriously hungry and want to get a quick bite. Maybe drink a little wine. Watch a show. Get my head out of this. I'm just glad for now that I have the brain capacity to write at all, considering my meds have still had me in a horrible tail spin after all this time, which gets worse with every dose (which will be tonight). But maybe I'll be able to get my head off my writing dilemma, freeing me up for my creative streak later.
Happy May! - A Personal Update
It's been awhile since I've written; almost all of April I had been suffering some rather serious side effects from a new medication a new doctor was having me try -- I've been accidentally off it for a week now and I have never felt better! Granted I have to go back on it today, and I'm not looking forward to it, but they're going to try to get me off as soon as possible. Anyhow, I wanted to write finally because I haven't been quite feeling up to it until now. So on that note, happy May! Though I am a day late to say as much. But I wanted to say it anyways.
In light of these struggles, I have done a lot of personal/self-exploration in regards to who I want to be, who I am, etc.; it's been much easier to focus on that than my suffering, I'll be honest. And something that has made me incredibly happy and has put me at ease, is the idea of changing my first name. I know I've talked about implementing the name "Kay" for myself (a derivative of my middle name), but while I've worked on implementing that into my daily life, it still hasn't felt quite right. During this time I have been consistently working on my new novel Edgewater (a temporary place holder of a title). The name character is nicknamed Brie, which readers immediately learn was a name given to her by her brother and is actually short for Emberly (how she got this nickname from her brother is a story in of itself). I've been trying to figure out her birth name, an exploration that has coincided with my own. I decided to do some searching into the meaning behind a few of my favorite names, and discovered one which is incredibly perfect. After a free "journal write" (me just typing away at my laptop) I think I will actually choose this for myself. Now I know that might sound odd, suddenly just changing my name (again) but I am going to share with you this journal write which has helped me come to such a meaningful and final conclusion:
Speaking of writing, I am currently still searching for an editor for my Shattered Lives novel. I am also still writing my new book which I have taken to simply calling Edgewater as a nickname - though it's only a temporary place holder until I can figure out an actual title, mostly as I am still trying to figure out what it's "main goal" is (what it's truly about). Maybe you as a reader of this blog can help?
Funny, after writing the above synopsis (in bold), I feel like maybe I've been over thinking the title. Perhaps Edgewater is the perfect name for this novel! And maybe, just as Robert Singer (Supernatural TV show writer) named a character after himself, I can do the same with my own character? After all, she is the apple and I am the tree--I have been writing her in a fictionalized sense of my own self. Maybe then it is only natural that I name her "Sabrina" too....
In light of these struggles, I have done a lot of personal/self-exploration in regards to who I want to be, who I am, etc.; it's been much easier to focus on that than my suffering, I'll be honest. And something that has made me incredibly happy and has put me at ease, is the idea of changing my first name. I know I've talked about implementing the name "Kay" for myself (a derivative of my middle name), but while I've worked on implementing that into my daily life, it still hasn't felt quite right. During this time I have been consistently working on my new novel Edgewater (a temporary place holder of a title). The name character is nicknamed Brie, which readers immediately learn was a name given to her by her brother and is actually short for Emberly (how she got this nickname from her brother is a story in of itself). I've been trying to figure out her birth name, an exploration that has coincided with my own. I decided to do some searching into the meaning behind a few of my favorite names, and discovered one which is incredibly perfect. After a free "journal write" (me just typing away at my laptop) I think I will actually choose this for myself. Now I know that might sound odd, suddenly just changing my name (again) but I am going to share with you this journal write which has helped me come to such a meaningful and final conclusion:
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Edgewater is a sci-fy novel which focuses on a young woman, Brie, who has lost over a decade's worth of memories. In search for these missing pieces, she must uncover a web of secrets exposing the organization known as "Edgewater" (hence the title place holder), and its founders. Through non-consecutive story telling (the novel jumps around in time, each chapter is titled with the date, time and location to indicate which time period we're in), the readers learn these secrets along side the characters in the book.
Funny, after writing the above synopsis (in bold), I feel like maybe I've been over thinking the title. Perhaps Edgewater is the perfect name for this novel! And maybe, just as Robert Singer (Supernatural TV show writer) named a character after himself, I can do the same with my own character? After all, she is the apple and I am the tree--I have been writing her in a fictionalized sense of my own self. Maybe then it is only natural that I name her "Sabrina" too....
Author Blog & Portfolio - Coming Soon!
In light of my novel coming out soon, and in lieu of several short stories and articles I have written and accumulated over the years, I felt it was time to dedicate a blog page to my many various projects to finally let them shine. Here you will be able to learn more about me as a writer and author, read my published projects, and more. The blog will be available midnight tonight! So come back soon to explore. Let the countdown begin--
Spring is in the Air!
Winter was intense, but it's finally lifting. I can feel spring in the air! Longer days, sunny weather, blue sky-- and I can finally work outside again! Also believe it or not, but it's actually HOT out here! So long sweaters and jeans. Hello tee's and capris!
Spring is also a time for new things to come and getting rid of any unwanted and dead growth. On that note, I am pledging this spring to write something EVERY DAY for at least an hour. Whether it's to work on any of my three novels, or write on social media, or maybe even journal write by hand. I'm also really going to start upping my game in the terms of publication and really try to get my new book done. So let's see how it goes!
Are you with me?!
Spring is also a time for new things to come and getting rid of any unwanted and dead growth. On that note, I am pledging this spring to write something EVERY DAY for at least an hour. Whether it's to work on any of my three novels, or write on social media, or maybe even journal write by hand. I'm also really going to start upping my game in the terms of publication and really try to get my new book done. So let's see how it goes!
Are you with me?!
The Trials of Writing
Nothing about the writing process is easy, which is why there is little that gets me riled up more than when someone says writing is easy. It's never easy. Putting words to a page that match exactly what is inside your head.... To fully plunge into the innermost emotions.... How do we do it? Intent, research, brainstorming come to mind. But as everyone has their own methods and their own styles, each project does too. It's important to remember too that just because something worked in the beginning, you may have to change the way you're working or tweak a method slightly in order for a project to reach its finishing point. Now I say project, because whether you're writing a memoir, novel, short story, or even something for school, writing is writing, and the same is true for all writing: the rules may change, you just have to figure out how to keep it working. The word "how" must come to mind (how to keep going? how to know which writing method to use? how to get yourself unstuck? how to write the next chapter? or how to plunge into the beginning? how to tap into that well of emotions?). I wish there was a simple answer like, "Just do _____." But there isn't a simple answer. There never is. We can only pursue forward making clumsy errors, get frustrated, get pissed, want to throw out our laptop, delete chapters or an entire book five, ten, thirty times, and then finally hit gold. Or we give up. That is the ultimate truth--if we want to get anywhere as writers, we must face the trials of writing head on, learning to navigate around them ourselves as they arrive.
From Oaktree Editing Services:
--- UPDATE: 5/21/19 ---
All activity related to Oaktree Editing has been updated to reflect my most recent penname change: Sabrina S.K. Regan
From Oaktree Editing Services:
Updated our Privacy Policy on our site AND added an FAQ Contact gadget for anyone who wants to write us a quick question! #KeepingBusy #Updates #WebsiteInfo #Freelance #Selfpublishing #Editing #Writing #Blogging #AndMore
From Oaktree Editing Services:
GREAT NEWS!! Our Friends & Family 15% Discount is here, AND it includes returning clients! How awesome is that?! #OaktreeEditing #Freelance #Discount #Services #FriendsAndFamily #Selfpublishing #Editing #Writing #MarketingAndAdvertising #Design #BlogsAndNovels #AndMore
From Oaktree Editing Services:
Just got the all clear on our technical issues & happy to announce our official website is back up and running! #Announcements #Resolved #BookToday #Freelance #Selfpublishing #Writing #Editing #AndMore
--- UPDATE: 5/21/19 ---
All activity related to Oaktree Editing has been updated to reflect my most recent penname change: Sabrina S.K. Regan
Website Down
The Oaktree Editing Services official website is currently experiencing technical difficulties and is down momentarily:
"We are working to have this fixed ASAP! If need be our clients can contact us via Facebook or email oaktreebookservices@gmail.com. We are very sorry for the inconvenience! #WebIssues #OnlineSoon."
"We are working to have this fixed ASAP! If need be our clients can contact us via Facebook or email oaktreebookservices@gmail.com. We are very sorry for the inconvenience! #WebIssues #OnlineSoon."
As of a few minutes ago Oaktree Editing Services no longer accepts direct booking for appointments via Facebook, instead making things even more convenient for clients as they can now book DIRECTLY on the O.E.S. official website! How exciting is that?!
--- UPDATE: 5/21/19 ---
All activity related to Oaktree Editing has been updated to reflect my most recent penname change: Sabrina S.K. Regan
Staying Busy!
I haven't been able to post much on my social media accounts as I have been busy with writing articles for LinkedIn and making sure they're ready for publication, balancing the workload between two new clients, and actively attempting to keep up with my in-person meeting of "The Pen Guardians: An Editors & Writers Meetup". Not to mention the book I'm editing for myself, or the two new books I am currently writing simultaneously. Yes, I have been staying quite busy. And I absolutely love the work I am doing.
Granted it has been a bit impossible to make sure I'm keeping up my active role within the social media framework, but alas here I am, letting my readers know that yes I am still here! I have not forgotten about any of you, nor have I gone anywhere. I am simply staying busy!
Granted it has been a bit impossible to make sure I'm keeping up my active role within the social media framework, but alas here I am, letting my readers know that yes I am still here! I have not forgotten about any of you, nor have I gone anywhere. I am simply staying busy!
The Non-Chronological Novel: An Update
For those of you keeping up with my blog, you will know as of late I have been actively writing a non-chronological novel and had started a new practice regarding writing it chronologically. After trying out this method over a few chapters, I finally had to stop. Writing the novel this way—for me, at least—proved to be rather anxiety making. Currently I am working without a clear timeline, and trying to write chronologically without this proved to be an overly difficult task, one I wasn't quite ready to take on.
Instead I am doing something a little crazier—I am writing completely non-chronologically. Whatever story idea for the novel I want to write, I'm writing it! No matter what part of the timeline, no matter where in the story I am, I'm writing it all out there. So far this has proven to be a much more useful part of my time, and has contributed to a greater flow in my creativity. I am then glad to say this is, at least so far, definitely working for me.
For any of you who find yourself struggling to get through a novel, remember this: Sometimes it's just a matter of patience and time to find the way that works best for you. And remember, it's only a first draft! Perfection should be the FURTHEST thing from your mind right now!
Instead I am doing something a little crazier—I am writing completely non-chronologically. Whatever story idea for the novel I want to write, I'm writing it! No matter what part of the timeline, no matter where in the story I am, I'm writing it all out there. So far this has proven to be a much more useful part of my time, and has contributed to a greater flow in my creativity. I am then glad to say this is, at least so far, definitely working for me.
For any of you who find yourself struggling to get through a novel, remember this: Sometimes it's just a matter of patience and time to find the way that works best for you. And remember, it's only a first draft! Perfection should be the FURTHEST thing from your mind right now!
Back From Break
I'm finally well again, have been for sometime, although it's certainly been awhile since I have posted anything, though for a very good reason I assure you. I have currently joined LinkedIn, and have been actively writing various articles to add to my portfolio. Three articles to be exact, though only two will be making an appearance shortly. The other I'm still floating around ideas for.
I'm afraid I can't say much more on the subject currently, seeing as my laptop is about to die and I'm falling asleep while typing this. But I wanted to keep all of you updated in my endeavors and to say I haven't forgotten about ya'll. And don't forget to look out for more information to come as I continue to work on these new projects of mine!
I'm afraid I can't say much more on the subject currently, seeing as my laptop is about to die and I'm falling asleep while typing this. But I wanted to keep all of you updated in my endeavors and to say I haven't forgotten about ya'll. And don't forget to look out for more information to come as I continue to work on these new projects of mine!
Taking A Break
I am pretty incredibly sick right now and will be taking a break from social media until I recover. It's nothing too serious, and I have a feeling I'll be back on my feet in no time, but writing, and trying to think of something to write, is so incredibly exhausting. And painful. On that note, so long--just until I'm better that is. Or at least until it doesn't hurt to move and think, of course.
Writing a Non-Chronological Novel
As per the title of this post, this is now my latest--or should I say newest?--project I'm taking on. This is an all new novel concept I'm working on, and something I have never tackled before, and admittedly it's been a difficult novel in the making. I've probably have started--and re-started, and rewritten this book several times already, which is why I finally looked up some keys to writing non-chronologically.
Believe it or not, I discovered that for beginners--and even people who are used to writing stories this way--have actually written their book first in chronological order, print off the manuscript, actively CUT IT APART, piece it together in an order they think works for them, and then REWRITE the entire thing IN THAT ORDER! I don't know how this will work for me when I'm done, but this idea has already helped me tremendously.
How to Get Yourself Writing With Writer's Block With These Four Methods
It's been said that inspiration can come from the strangest places. Who said it I don't know. I've certainly heard it. Heck, maybe I came up with it! (If only I we're so brilliant.) But I can certainly attest to the accuracy of this statement.
Try what I call the “change and eliminate” method. Change the place where you always work. If you find yourself consistently writing at home, go to a café. If you’re indoor-bound, go on a hike or a walk and find a spot to journal. If the weather permits, of course. But wherever you go, eliminate your chance of getting distracted. Yes, there’s an app for that. Don't want to install an app? You can always just turn your phone on airplane mode, which is especially great for avoiding potential disruptions like calls, pesky notifications, or incoming texts at this time. You can also try listening to music, which can work out well if you're in a noisy area. (My preferences for this method are classical music, Dixie Land, meditation music, and swing.)
This is sort of like the "change and eliminate" method, only with one big difference. In this method YOU AREN'T WRITING. AT ALL. Yes, you read that correctly. In this method you are actively taking a break from writing altogether so that you can leave behind any creative stress you may have. You might go on a walk/hike (again, if the weather permits). You might choose to go to the gym. Or you could go to an art gallery. Watch a dance performance. Binge on Netflix. Whether you are doing something fun, that you love, or even that's hard work (like tackling that major hill you've been avoiding), you really want to make sure you can submerse yourself in fully. The last thing you need is to carry around that dreadful nagging voice reminding you that you aren't writing. Which is why you need to actively work on re-framing that voice. Remember, you're doing this so your imaginary friends will start talking to you again. This is good for you. Say it with gumption! Because it's true, this will wind up being very good for you.
In this method you will be writing. Creatively. With writer's block! (Yes it's possible.) There are two ways you can go about free-writing, however, that can aid you in times where you are so truly stuck you just can't think of anything.
Another creative writing practice and similar to the above, the idea of "improv writing" was an idea I very lightly touched on back in July of 2017 in a post titled, "Fixing Writer's Block". And by 'lightly touched on' I mean that those are the exact words I used to end the post. There was no explanation, no follow up, nothing. Whoops! Only just having realized this mistake, I'm finally going to explain what this means and how to do it.
As of one minute and something-seconds-ago, I was attempting to get out of the writers block I've been having, which has resulted in a very noticeable decline in my social media presence. I decided to turn to back to blogging hoping that I could get myself out of this block by typing, as I typically do. But I didn't want to write yet another general post about how much writing block sucks. Which it does. And we writers all know it. No, I wanted this post to be focused. To mean something. Granted the second that blank post popped up, a virgin to my words, I blanked. I couldn't think of anything. I closed out the post page and went back to staring at the ceiling. A challenging place for inspiration to appear, by the way.
Then it hit me. "I'll look up ideas to write for a blog post!" I began searching this very topic word-for-word. The amount of results was insane! "20 Creative Blog Ideas for Writers: Never Run Out of Blog Ideas Again". Or insert-number-here "Ideas to Put on Your Blog" or "How to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing Again". (Okay, might have made that last one up on the fly). The point is, this is a hot topic in of itself. And that's when I realized something: I don't need to read those in order to post something right now! I can post about what to do when you get stuck, and how to get yourself writing with writer's block—title drop anyone?—considering this is a place I find myself stuck in often.
I think it is first and perhaps most important to begin by flushing out any reasons you may have in regards to this block. Maybe there's a huge emotionally involved decision looming over your head making it impossible to reflect on and think about anything else. Maybe you're really über excited for a meetup to start! (I know this has certainly been true for me this last week. And month.) Maybe you're exhausted from life.... Whatever it is, good or bad, start writing it down. Journal it all. Even things you think are minor and aren't worth reflecting on. Whatever is in that head of yours, Get. It. Out! Which is why I'm going to leave you with a DAILY journaling exercise to do for however long you wish, but especially as long as you have writer's block. This part will require dedication, but I promise it will be worth it!
While you write, allow yourself to be free of inhibitions; toss away worries about your handwriting, errors, etc. I generally write these journal entries purposefully messy so that my OCD can't get the better of me and correct for errors. But you do you. Also, please allow for patience and self-forgiveness, because this process might not work immediately. But you're starting to get to the root of the blockage and that is key!
So on that note, find a journal (they sell loose leaf pages and small notebooks at most Dollar Stores/Trees), pick up a pen, and go. No holds barred.
Try what I call the “change and eliminate” method. Change the place where you always work. If you find yourself consistently writing at home, go to a café. If you’re indoor-bound, go on a hike or a walk and find a spot to journal. If the weather permits, of course. But wherever you go, eliminate your chance of getting distracted. Yes, there’s an app for that. Don't want to install an app? You can always just turn your phone on airplane mode, which is especially great for avoiding potential disruptions like calls, pesky notifications, or incoming texts at this time. You can also try listening to music, which can work out well if you're in a noisy area. (My preferences for this method are classical music, Dixie Land, meditation music, and swing.)
This is sort of like the "change and eliminate" method, only with one big difference. In this method YOU AREN'T WRITING. AT ALL. Yes, you read that correctly. In this method you are actively taking a break from writing altogether so that you can leave behind any creative stress you may have. You might go on a walk/hike (again, if the weather permits). You might choose to go to the gym. Or you could go to an art gallery. Watch a dance performance. Binge on Netflix. Whether you are doing something fun, that you love, or even that's hard work (like tackling that major hill you've been avoiding), you really want to make sure you can submerse yourself in fully. The last thing you need is to carry around that dreadful nagging voice reminding you that you aren't writing. Which is why you need to actively work on re-framing that voice. Remember, you're doing this so your imaginary friends will start talking to you again. This is good for you. Say it with gumption! Because it's true, this will wind up being very good for you.
In this method you will be writing. Creatively. With writer's block! (Yes it's possible.) There are two ways you can go about free-writing, however, that can aid you in times where you are so truly stuck you just can't think of anything.
Idea 1: The News in a New Perspective
Find a news story, preferably something that really grabs your attention, then write in the perspective of someone mentioned in the story. For instance, if you read a story about a murder, write from the perspective of the murder using the given details, maybe even adding your own. Or you might write from the perspective of the victim. Imagine what either character may have been thinking leading up to the event or at the time of the event, perhaps considering what they were doing before too.
Idea 2: Improv Writing
Another creative writing practice and similar to the above, the idea of "improv writing" was an idea I very lightly touched on back in July of 2017 in a post titled, "Fixing Writer's Block". And by 'lightly touched on' I mean that those are the exact words I used to end the post. There was no explanation, no follow up, nothing. Whoops! Only just having realized this mistake, I'm finally going to explain what this means and how to do it.
While a made-up term, this method has proven incredibly useful for me to do. With improv writing, you are attempting to tap into your creative writing process no matter how bad, how silly, how crazy, or how utterly incoherent it may turn out to be. To start this current process, you'll need to finish the list below, not unlike a Mad-Libs operation:
- A character name
- A setting
- Write the opening sentence from a book
- Find a book and copy word for word it's opening line. i.e. "It was a dark and stormy night...." Generally try to find something short, aiming for nothing longer than ten words. If you can help it.
- Remember the golden rule of improv: "Yes, and..." So whatever you write, go with it. And keep going with it. No matter what.
Example by Dylan K. Regan:
1. Character Name: Sergio (the slug)
2. Setting: London of 1832
3. Opening Sentence: It was a dark and stormy night
Once you fill in the answers, you're going to write something out for however long you can:
Example by Dylan K. Regan:
It was a dark and stormy night in London of 1832. Sergio the Slug had been romping through the garden of Mrs. Tuckett, and had taken to hiding under the bright red mushroom cap waiting out the cold storm. He liked things when they were damp, but this was too much for the slippery little guy. Suddenly during a clap of thunder as he watched feet dance around, twirling, couples laughing as their hair dripped with falling precipitation, Sergio realized something: He wanted to dance!
I wrote that just now entirely on the fly. Now I undoubtedly won't be winning any awards for it anytime soon (or ever), but that's not the point. You're merely writing to get back in the swing of things, to remind yourself of what you can do even if it's not your best work. Heck, even if it turns out to be the worst thing you've ever written!—the point is, you wrote something during writer's block. And that's pretty freaking impressive.
--- UPDATE: 5/19/19 ---
This post has been updated with my most recent penname change: Sabrina S.K. Regan
--- Update 6/01/24 ---
This post has been updated with my most recent penname change: Dylan K. Regan
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